The first testing phase of Lightfoot’s Active8 commuter behaviour change programme is complete. All of the businesses showed significant change in their travel behaviours over the three month testing phase. Great engagement with the materials and 100% of respondees agreed that a programme like Active8 had the power to change how they commuted.

Holmes Group Queenstown completed a whopping 220 active travel trips over an eight week period. Based on an average 10km per trip, this equates to a  CO2 amount of approximately 0.754 t.

Ben Dare, who won the grand prize in the Get Active/Get prizes competition, thought that the value in the programme was helping him continue to commute when “things got hard”. As an active and fit cyclist, he regularly commuted during late spring and summer, but found he would opt for the car as the days started to shorten. The Active8 programme provided encouragement to continue to choose the ‘no car’ option and reduce his emissions.

Lightfoot are now preparing for phase 2. We’re excited to see how Queenstown can Active8 their commuter travel.