The Lightfoot Express runs from Queenstown Primary to after-school activities in Frankton. [NB. This service was previously called the Red Oaks Express]
Since 2021, The Lightfoot Express has helped parents minimise their travel time AND their petrol costs. Taking about 40 car trips a week off the road, we can ensure safe, reliable transport to after-school activities. What’s more, it’s a fun experience for the kids and a great way to develop those independence skills.
The bus leaves directly from QPS and is met by a Lightfoot employee who walks each child to their activity. They text parents to confirm arrival. At a cost of just $8.50, the service easily pays for itself in the time gained each afternoon, and of course, fuel savings.
Watch this short video for a comprehensive guide to the Lightfoot Express (previously named the Red Oaks Express).
The afterschool entertainment zone is so popular that between 250 – 350 primary age students travel by personal car to Red Oaks Drive daily during term time. This transport, on average a 10km trip one way, adds to Queenstown’s carbon footprint and congestion.
As parents, the Lightfooters are aware many of us struggle to manage this transport amidst other afternoon commitments, and end up spending far longer in the car than we’d like. We’re desperate for a safe, efficient and cost-effective way to transport our kids. Are you?
After-school activity
without the
travel-time anxiety
Your child’s safety is assured with our attendance procedures at each school, and all children are accompanied to their activity on arrival at Red Oaks Drive, Wakatipu High School and Kip McGrath.
There’s also the added option of using Chipmunks as a landing spot for a little after-school snack n’ play. An additional cost of $5 is attached to this gap-filler but it’s a great option for kids before activities start or while awaiting pick-up.
The Lightfoot Express has run successfully from Queenstown Primary School for the past three terms. We will aim to offer the service Monday to Thursday, however this is dependent on us having a minimum number of children for each trip. We can’t guarantee that the service will run every day – so please encourage others to express their interest.
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